Admission and Registration
How to Register: Students in All Grades
Please complete the online registration and submit the grade appropriate course selection sheet (below) along with the other documents listed. Guidance will be in touch with you once the online registration is submitted and the entire package of supporting documents is received. Information on the Pre A.P. Math and English programs and our new JR SEAL program can be found below.
The registration deadlines for the upcoming school year:
Incoming Grade 9 and 10: February 14, 2025
Incoming Grade 11 and 12: January 7, 2025
Please note that receipt of package is not confirmation of registration. Completed documents can be emailed to Cheryl Johnston in Guidance, at
Step 1:
Your student attends a non-PVNC school: Parents/Guardians wishing to register their student for the upcoming school year are invited to complete the registration online at
Your student attends a PVNC school: For Grade 8 students who attend our PVNC feeder elementary schools, please log into the parent portal and complete the Internal Transfer form. Current PVNC secondary school students, also complete the Internal Transfer Form, located in the parent portal. In BOTH cases, be sure to click on the student's name ( or the form will be blank) and do not complete the entire registration form, just the internal transfer form.
Log into the parent portal, on the top, there is a highlighted "Online Student Registration" , click on that.
Then you choose the Secondary School you want to register in from the drop down menu.
Then you choose your Grade 8 student’s name from the next drop down menu, do not leave it as "NEW" (this is important or it sends a blank form)
Then choose PVNC Catholic DSB Student Internal Transfer form - it’s the one on the left.
Complete and submit.
Step 2:
Please submit the following documents via the email above or by dropping the complete package at the Guidance office:
Grade 8 Students
Grade appropriate course selection sheet (see below). PVNC Gr 8 students will complete course selection through My Blueprint with their Gr 8 teacher.
Final Report cards from Grade 8, Term 1. Term 2 Final Report Card, as well, if applying after June 28, 2025.
I.E.P. (if applicable)
Proof of birth date (passport or birth certificate)
Proof of address ( 2 pieces - utility bill, CRA mailing, banking statement etc. We cannot accept a Driver’s license)
Immigration Documents, if applicable (PR card, refugee letter, study permit etc.)
Pre-A.P Mathematics and/or Pre-A.P. English application package, including teacher recommendation
Jr SEAL and Hockey Focus Application
Current Secondary Students
Grade appropriate course selection sheet (see below)
Final Report cards from Semester 1 and 2 of the previous school year
I.E.P. (if applicable)
Credit summary (from Guidance Department of current school, not applicable to Gr 8 applicants)
Transcript (from Guidance Department of current school, not applicable to Gr 8 applicants)
Proof of birth date (passport or birth certificate)
Proof of address ( 2 pieces - utility bill, CRA mailing, banking statement etc. We cannot accept a Driver’s license)
Immigration Documents, if applicable (PR card, refugee letter, study permit etc.)
Emergency Response Procedures for Medical Conditions *if applicable*
The registration deadlines for the upcoming school year:
Incoming Grade 9 and 10: February 14, 2025
Incoming Grade 11 and 12: January 7, 2025
Grade Specific Forms- please select the appropriate form for your child:
Grade 9 Course Selection 2025/2026 Due February 14, 2025
Grade 10 Course Selection 2025/2026 Due February 14, 2025
Grade 11 Course Selection 2025/2026 Due January 7, 2025
Grade 12 Course Selection 2025/2026 Due January 7, 2025
Step 3:
Wait to hear from the Guidance Department regarding next steps.
Please note that dropping off or completing an online registration package does not indicate a student has been registered. We will be in touch after Guidance and Administration have had a chance to review the package to let you know if a timetable can be build for your student.
Pre-Advanced Placement Mathematics and English Applications - for Grade 8 students
At St Peter, our Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre A.P.) English and Mathematics programs start in Grade 10. However, we do offer some enrichment opportunities for Grade 9 students who are interested in these programs. If your Grade 8 student would like to apply for these opportunities as they wait for our Grade 10 Pre-Advanced Placement English or Mathematics program, please complete and submit this Pre A.P. application package with the rest of the registration package.
In addition, Pre A.P. students who live out of district, are often interested in spending their Grade 9 year at St Peter. If your student is accepted into the program, they can be granted out of boundary permission to attend their Grade 9 year at St Peter, while they await the start of the A.P. program, in Grade 10.
If your Gr 8 student would like to apply for our Grade 9 Pre A.P. enrichment opportunities in hopes of joining our Gr 10 Pre A.P. English or Mathematics program, please complete and submit this Pre A.P. application package with the rest of your registration package.
All sections of the application, including teacher recommendation, must be completed and returned by February 14, 2025. Students are welcome to apply for BOTH Pre A.P. English and Pre A.P. Mathematics, or just one of the programs. Families will be contacted in April with admission decisions.
**You MUST complete the registration form and steps above first - if you have not applied to register at St Peter, you cannot join a specialty program
English: Pre A.P. English Student Application
Pre A.P. English Teacher Recommendation Form
Mathematics: Pre Mathematics Student Application
Pre Mathematics Teacher Recommendation Form
Jr SEAL Program and Hockey Focus
**You MUST complete the registration form and steps above first - if you have not applied to register at St Peter, you cannot join a specialty program
Interested students can contact the Physical Education Department through this Google Form:
2025-2026 Jr SEAL and Hockey Focus Application
This form is due, along with all registration documentation, by February 15, 2025. Students who are accepted into the program will be notified in late Spring 2025.
Hockey Focused Physical Education credit:
Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 students are eligible for the Hockey Focused PE credit, and will be selected from applicants.
This is a PE credit that covers the grade level Provincial HPE Curriculum but with a hockey focus.
It is an application process as space is limited.
Students will be on ice multiple times weekly. They will also participate in some off-ice fitness training, cross training in the gym, and time covering health topics in the classroom. There is an additional cost of approximately $350 to participate in this program and a 7:45 a.m. start time.
The typical SEAL students will follow the following path:
Grade 9:
Take their regular grade 9 Phys. Ed.
Join extracurriculars: try some clubs, tryout/play for our school teams, continue with their outside sports, etc.
Basically show us how amazing a student/kid you are!
Apply to the Jr SEAL program (it is an application process as space is limited).
Grade 10:
Take the Jr SEAL Phys Ed credit - geared towards athletes and motivated students looking for a competitive sports environment and exposure to more advanced physical activity.
Participate in workshops, trips, etc. as part of the SEAL program.
Grade 11:
Take the Grade 11 SEAL Fitness credit - geared towards athletes and motivated students who may already have some exposure to basic fitness training. Students will participate in more advanced training techniques in a more engaging environment.
Participate in workshops, trips, etc.
Begin completing certifications (ex. coaching certs, first aid/CPR, wrapping & taping, advanced training, etc.)
Grade 12:
Take the Grade 12 SEAL Leadership credit - geared towards athletes and motivated students who are looking to challenge their leadership skills. Students will participate in fitness training multiple days a week but beyond this, will begin to study leadership, develop their own leadership style, and apply these by organizing and facilitating physical activity in our school community (intramurals, elementary tournaments, etc.)
Participate in workshops, trips, etc.
Complete their certifications and graduate with the SEAL accreditation.
Immunization Updates for new students arriving from outside Peterborough Public Health region:
If you are coming from outside of the Peterborough Public Health region, please ensure updated Immunization information is uploaded directly to Peterborough Public Health at the time of registration:
Any questions regarding registration, please leave a voicemail for
Guidance at 705-745-1358 ext. 1025
or email
The personal information contained on the forms is collected in accordance with the Education Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Emergency Response Procedures information is collected for the purpose of responding to a medical emergency and will be reviewed annually. Questions with respect to this information should be directed to the school Principal.