Fast Facts and Bell Times

Did you know that...

Bell Times

Each school day has the following schedule.

Parish Information

St. Peter is an inclusive community with a mission to develop the spiritual potential of all students as much as their academic and social potentials.

Academic programs at St. Peter exist within a spiritual orientation based on the Catholic faith. The tone of the school reflects a theme of respect and responsibility, a collaborative approach to problem solving, and a community focus made up of students, staff, parents, parish, and the wider community.

As of means towards the development of a Catholic Graduate, the following are encouraged:

The school comes together to celebrate school masses with its affiliated parish, St. Peter-in-Chains Cathedral, led by Fr. Luis Lapinid.  A school chapel is also accessible to staff and students for personal reflection

Parish Contact Information:

St. Peter-in-Chains Cathedral

411 Reid St. Box 175

Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6Y8

Phone: 705-745-4681

Facility Rental

Community groups are welcome to use the St. Peter facilities for appropriate activities, as long as community use does not interfere with our regular school requirements. A user fee will apply to offset costs associated with the use of school property.

St. Peter  has the following facilities available to rent:

To request a booking, contact the Board Outreach Coordinator or visit the Board's Facilities Rental page to submit your request online.