Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a Ministry approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning in a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (O.S.S.D.). It also assists in their transition from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace. A Specialist High Skills Major enables students to gain sector-specific skills and knowledge in the context of engaging, career-related learning environments and helps them focus beyond graduation to pursuing their post-secondary goals.
St Peter Catholic Secondary School offers eight Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM). Grade 11 and 12 students are offered the opportunity to take part in these Specialist High Skills programs. During their Grade 10 and Grade 11 planning meetings, Guidance Counselors will help interested students choose their courses and co-op options for Specialist High Skills Majors. Each SHSM must have its own two co-op credits, plus the courses associated with that specific SHSM.
Each SHSM consists of 5 required components:
Bundled credits - A defined bundle of credits consisting of eight to ten Grade 11 and Grade 12 credits, including cooperative education credits
Certification and training - Sector-recognized certifications and training courses and programs
Experiential learning and career exploration activities - Experiential learning and career exploration activities within the sector
Reach ahead experiences - Learning experiences connected with the student's post secondary plans
Essential Skills and work habits - Development of Essential Skills and work habits required in the sector, recorded using the tools in the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)
St Peter C.S.S. offers the following Specialist High Skills Majors:
Arts and Culture
Aviation and Aerospace
Hospitality and Tourism (Culinary Arts)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Sports Excellence and Leadership (SEAL)
*Coming in 2024/25: Jr Sports Excellence and Leadership (SEAL) - See below!
Why would your student take a Specialist High Skills Major at St Peter C.S.S.?
Specialist High Skills Majors allows students to experience a range of customized learning opportunities in an area that interests them, and helps to engage them in their school program.
Specialist High Skills Majors gives students the opportunity to explore, identify, and refine career goals and make informed decisions related to post secondary education or training and next steps towards a career.
Specialist High Skills Majors helps students gain confidence in their ability to succeed, and see the connections between their studies, the world beyond high school, and their future careers.
Specialist High Skills Majors provide experiential learning opportunities that enable students to develop Essential Skills and work habits that are required in the sector, and have their performance of those skills and work habits assessed and documented, using tools connected with the Ontario Skills Passport.
Specialist High Skills Majors allow students begin to establish relationships and networks in their chosen field. In addition, students who have earned a SHSM can provide evidence of their achievement of the required components (e.g., sector-recognized certifications and training programs) to prospective employers and post-secondary educational or training institutions.
Jr SEAL Program and Hockey Focus
Interested students can contact the Physical Education Department through this Google Form:
2025-2026 Jr SEAL and Hockey Focus Application
Our Jr SEAL program and hockey focus Phys. Ed. class officially begins in grade 10. This allows grade 9s to settle into the school and for us to get to know them before they submit applications. However, we are looking to gauge the interest of our incoming grade 9s via the above form. Depending on interest, we may begin in the Grade 9 year.
The typical SEAL students will follow the following path:
Grade 9:
Take their regular grade 9 Phys. Ed.
Join extracurriculars: try some clubs, tryout/play for our school teams, continue with their outside sports, etc.
Basically show us how amazing a student/kid you are!
Apply to the Jr SEAL program (it is an application process as space is limited).
Grade 10:
Take the Jr SEAL Phys Ed credit - geared towards athletes and motivated students looking for a competitive sports environment and exposure to more advanced physical activity.
Participate in workshops, trips, etc. as part of the SEAL program.
Grade 11:
Take the Grade 11 SEAL Fitness credit - geared towards athletes and motivated students who may already have some exposure to basic fitness training. Students will participate in more advanced training techniques in a more engaging environment.
Participate in workshops, trips, etc.
Begin completing certifications (ex. coaching certs, first aid/CPR, wrapping & taping, advanced training, etc.)
Grade 12:
Take the Grade 12 SEAL Leadership credit - geared towards athletes and motivated students who are looking to challenge their leadership skills. Students will participate in fitness training multiple days a week but beyond this, will begin to study leadership, develop their own leadership style, and apply these by organizing and facilitating physical activity in our school community (intramurals, elementary tournaments, etc.)
Participate in workshops, trips, etc.
Complete their certifications and graduate with the SEAL accreditation.
Hockey Focused Physical Education credit:
Grade 10, 11, 12 students are eligible for the Hockey Focused PE credit, and will be selected from applicants.
This is a PE credit that covers the grade level Provincial HPE Curriculum but with a hockey focus.
It is an application process as space is limited.
Students will be on ice multiple times weekly. They will also participate in some off-ice fitness training, cross training in the gym, and time covering health topics in the classroom
Here is a link to the Ministry of Education SHSM page: https://www.ontario.ca/page/specialist-high-skills-major
Contact the Guidance Department for more information.