Learning Commons
Learning Commons Team:
Mrs. J. Dubis, Library Support Specialist (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Ms. D. McDonald, Teacher-Librarian
Ms. C. Crawley, Teacher-Librarian (P3)
Physical Space Hours:
Visit us from 8 am - 3:15 pm.
St. Peter Catholic Secondary School Learning Commons assists students in developing the 21st Century skills necessary to become life-long learners. We provide a variety of resources to support the academic program and we assist students in developing independent and collaborative learning skills.
Current electronic information sources and a range of print materials are available to students in our physical space and in our virtual space. We also encourage a variety of wellness activities to promote quiet balance and mental health. Reading for pleasure is encouraged by displays of popular paperback and hardcover titles. Subject teachers and a teacher-librarian are available to assist students in their research.
Welcome to Our Virtual Space
Search our Catalog on DESTINY (Library books and resources)
Research and Databases (Online Academic Searches)
Citation Guides (MLA, APA, CMOS)
Sora Overdrive Ebooks: https://ottawaca.libraryreserve.com/10/45/en/SignIn.htm?url=Default.htm- log in with your PVNC username and password (without @pvnccdsb.on.ca)
Book Technology or Space (Teachers)