Religion and Family Life
Learn more about our Religion Department!

A message from the Chair of Religion, Ms. J. Riel:

Welcome to the Religion Department at SPCSS!
We are thrilled to welcome you to our vibrant, energetic and thriving community! Our mission is to ‘walk the walk’ and to become Christ's presence in the world! We challenge each student and staff member to greet each other with kindness and compassion and we strive for an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere!
The religious dimension of learning is a distinct feature within the school curriculum. We encourage and facilitate responsible technology-enabled learning for all while continuing to enhance discernment of what it means to be ‘Church’ in the world today in light of the Gospel and Catholic Social Teachings. We recognize that a Catholic religious education plays a vital role in enabling our young people to gain the knowledge & skills necessary to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society. We encourage all students to grow into their God-given potential and to embrace the Catholic School Graduate Expectations!
Each course we offer provides our students with the abilities to meet all academic demands: students develop research and communication skills, teamwork and collaboration skills, as well as literacy and numeracy skills. Ultimately, we believe an education in faith enables students to build relationships with others & God, while being able to appreciate their own spiritual journey and their role as citizens in the contemporary world we live in.
In upholding the mission of St. Peter Catholic Secondary School, it is the responsibility of all students to attend obligatory religion classes and liturgies. Non-Catholic students will also be required to attend common school liturgies, celebrations, and religious services. Religion courses are compulsory in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 for all students and these credits count towards the diploma requirements. It is our hope that non-Catholic students will grasp this opportunity to reflect upon their own faith and values through their participation in our religious education programme.
We offer dual credit Religion courses in Grade 11 & 12 (Construction, Culinary and Cosmetology) as well as leadership opportunities in Grade 12 through peer tutoring!
You can check out Religion Course descriptions on the Guidance link!
The religious education program exists for the sake of all students and their ultimate happiness which can only be found in Christ. The Bishops of Ontario have expressed in their pastoral letter Renewing the Promise that Catholic educators are called to accompany, build relationships, encourage engagement, instill hope, and form joyful disciples in the context of the Catholic school. This is perhaps particularly true in the subject of religious education where students are inspired to better understand the source of true joy. In this regard, the curriculum policy document states that “religion curricula is ideally situated to confront and explore in an intentional, informed, respectful and inspired manner the fundamental issues of human development, in particular, as well as considering how effectively institutions support such healthy growth ... it is in the religious education classroom that a systematic presentation of the faith facilitates and frames an authentic dialogue between students’ life experience and the teachings of Christ and his Church.”
Religious Education enables young people to discover the truth, nurture the attitudes and develop the skills necessary to grow in faith in these changing times. For these reasons, Religious Education is designed to promote skills such as prayerful discernment, critical thinking, and conscience formation that will assist them in the task of becoming lifelong learners in relation to their faith within a multi-religious society. As the Catholic Graduate Expectations highlight, it is also designed to assist in the process of ethical and moral formation within a culture that all too often fails to recognize God’s call, the fundamental dignity of the human person and the existence of absolute ethical norms.
In Catholic secondary schools, Religious Education functions as the academic component within the nexus of activities that seek to evangelize and catechize students. As such, it plays an integral role in the learning experiences of students and complements the various faith- related activities (e.g., chaplaincy services, community outreach, peer ministry) that take place within the instructional setting of these schools.